Every person keeping up with the times at least once, but still played virtual games. Every day there are more and more of these games, and their genres are becoming more diverse. It is believed that these games have a sharp negative impact on human thinking. It is true, but only in part. Virtual games can also be beneficial. The only question is the time a person spends for these games. If this time is controlled, then this pastime will benefit a person only.
As Paracelsus said, “Everything is poison, and nothing is without poisonousness; the dose alone makes the poison invisible. A very accurate statement that confirms: an excess of anything leads to death, but “one dose” does not do much harm.
These can serve as a hobby for a person, which relaxes him, regulates his emotions.
Many computer games have the ability to develop memory, help people learn new things, if the game is based on true historical events, research.
For example, action games are very good to help develop observation, reaction, agility. Also thanks to these games a person develops the speed of rapid decision-making. Strategy games have a feature to develop long-term memory, and role-playing games – all types.
Students who play prosocial games are more likely to help others in real life. Some may even contribute to physical activity. An elementary game of tetris teaches how to get out of unconventional situations quickly and correctly.
People who play dynamic games have better attention, focus, and reaction. Video games develop social skills as children actively socialize and make friends through online games.
These and many other games develop vital skills in a person.
Of course, this article is not meant to elevate virtual games to a cult following – no. It merely shows the impact of games from a different angle. Perhaps parents will realize that if a child devotes an hour or two a day to the virtual world, there is nothing wrong with it. As long as a person is in control of this world and his place in it, he only benefits from it. But if he, immersed in a world of online entertainment, loses track of time, then it is an addiction akin to a narcotic, which destroys a person, stupefies the mind and prevents him from moving on with his life.